this page was created to warn potential investors against the fraudulent practices of Didzis Pogulis - livonia investment platform.
Career of this handsome guy - Didzis Pogulis goes back a few years - specifically to the period when lawsuits and criminal trials were filed against him, his company, or his wife's company.
On this page you can find articles from local Latvian news that describe his individual career achievements in the form of debts or signature forgery.
Among the main values of Didzis Pogulis are fake data on the web about the performance of his investment platform or new domain, fake positive reviews on trustpilot and the ability to create debts (suppliers, investors, state taxes...).
Thanks to these mentioned values, he is a great role model for his 3 children.
Use google translate because these websites are in Latvian.
"As he took the last load away, he started running away!"
"By forging the signature of the land owner, they steal valuable trees."
"VIDEO ⟩ The sight was really barbaric. Cut down valuable trees..."